The Everybody House mission is to meet the unmet needs of communities in Twin Falls by creating an equitable community space where everyone can feel like they belong, and their needs matter.
We do this by working to address food and housing insecurities, increasing access to wellness classes and programs, and creating spaces for local artists, and performers.

Value One
Our organization is driven to meet the unmet needs of our communities as stated in the vision, and therefore is transparent, and adaptable to meet the fluidity of those needs.
Value Two
In our work and partnerships, there are no exclusions or evaluations based on religion, race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, differing abilities, national and indigenous origin, socio-economic status, or any other social identifier.
Value Three
We believe that all human life is beautiful and of equal value, that everybody belongs, and we believe in the Wesleyan traditions of doing no harm, and doing all the good you can in all the places you can however long you can.